Baby Eczema

It is quite common for baby to have eczema during her first six months of life. If you notice your baby has some rash on her cheek, forehead and/or scalp and it may look like red patches of dry skin that are made up of little red blisters; it is probably eczema. Some babies may have eczema on other parts of their bodies such as chest and arms.
Here are some tips to prevent and maybe cure baby eczema:
- Place baby beside the window for half hour, twice a day. Sunlight may help preventing eczema flare ups, but never under direct sunlight;
- Apply eczema therapy cream every morning and every night or as needed. Aveeno eczema care cream works really well on relieving baby’s dry skin. It is natural and fragrance free.
- Use lukewarm cloth to gently wipe baby’s face every morning and night, as well as wipe her mouth area after each feeding, then apply baby lotion. Never let her face becomes dry;
- Do not bath baby every day, twice a week is recommended. But rinse her bum before she goes to sleep every night or after each poo to avoid diaper rash;
- When bathing baby, make sure water is lukewarm and use mild baby wash, such as Aveeno soothing relief creamy wash and Johnson’s head-to-toe foaming baby wash;
- Avoid using harsh detergents on baby’s clothing;
- Clothing your baby in 100% cotton. Use 100% cotton sleeping bag and 100% cotton bedding;
- Avoid applying perfume and cologne when you are with baby;
- Do not smoke in the house. Always keep baby in smoke free environment;
- If you are breastfeeding, try not to eat citrus fruits and spicy foods;
- Never overheat your baby. Dress her appropriate at home and outside;
- In order to prevent baby scratching her eczema area, make sure you cut baby’s nails on a regular basis. Have her wear mittens while she is sleeping;
- Open window to allow fresh air in every morning. In northern climate, it is essential to have a humidifier and air purifier in baby’s room and her activity areas (one of the best air purifiers with humidifying function is Sharp Plasmacluster
. It can be used for up to 254 square foot room. Although this machine is a bit pricy, it is a great investment for your baby as well as for your family’s health and well-being.
Baby eczema usually goes away in few weeks. However, it may come back. Every baby is different. There is no magical cure for baby eczema. You probably have tried many creams on your baby, but nothing work well. Your pediatrician may recommend a steroid cream if your baby’s eczema is getting worse. However, apply steroid cream as instructed. If you notice her skin is getting better, apply it just once a day or maybe even every other day because steroid cream may cause thinning of your baby’s delicate skin.
Do not be desperate, just be patient, and try following our suggestions. Your baby’s eczema will eventually disappear.