Newborn Diaper Rash

Majority of newborn babies may have mild diaper rash in the first six months; it does not mean that the baby receives poor care from her parents. Diaper rash is very common because baby’s skin is very tender and soft, and quite sensitive to wet or dirty diaper. Newborns who are breastfed exclusively may have quite extensive diaper rash in the first few weeks because they tend to soil their diaper frequently and their poopoos are very watery.
Here are some tips on how to prevent or heal diaper rash for newborns:
- Change diapers every 1-2 hours. But, as soon as you notice her bowel movement, change her diaper right away (newborns tend to have small and frequent pooopy, it will eventually slow down as baby grows);
- If you have time, try to rinse her bum with lukewarm water after each poo, and let her diaper free for 5-10 minutes as it gives her soft skin a chance to air out;
- If you are using disposable diaper, try different brands as some newborn may be sensitive to certain brand. If you are using cloth diaper, make sure it is dye free, fragrance free and no enzymes or optical brighteners. For example, Rockin Green detergent specializes for sensitive skin, it is one of the best detergents for cloth diapers;
- If you are using disposable wipes, use unscented wipes because they are less irritating. If you are using cloth wipes, make sure use plain water. Wipe warmer is highly recommended;
- Diaper rash cream is essential for each diaper change. When you apply the cream, do not just dab it, rub her bum thoroughly like when you apply hand cream. If you are breastfeeding your baby, watch what you eat too. Usually citrus fruit such as orange and grapefruit would cause newborn diarrhea which will worsen baby’s rash due to wetness of the diaper. There are many choices of diaper rash creams, known brands such as Desitin and Aveeno are recommended;
- Continue to use diaper rash cream until your baby is at least one year of age.
If your newborn’s diaper rash seems getting worse after few days, you may need to consult your pediatrician as soon as possible because her rash might be caused by fungal or yeast infection which may need prescriptions.
Although treating and preventing newborn’s diaper rash takes a lot of your time and effort, you will feel rewarding and have a big smile once you see her little diaper rash free bum. The bigger she grows the less diaper rash she will get. Once solid food is introduced around four to six months of age, her stool becomes solid; you may find changing her diaper much easier and cleaner.