What Clothes to Prepare for Your Newborn?

New baby grows very fast especially in the first six weeks, she may double her weight within a month from her birth. People normally buy newborn clothes until they know the estimated weight and length of their baby. Your obstetrician or ultrasound technician will tell you the growth of your baby when you go to your regular checkup appointment.
Newborn is very soft and fragile; their clothes have to be very comfortable and easy to get on and off for diaper change. Always check if baby’s clothes are made of 100% cotton without irritating tags and seams as newborn’s skin is very sensitive. Try to avoid buying pretty outfit, such as mini skirt for baby girl or a fancy jean for baby boy, because newborns always give you surprises!! You might have to change her multiple times a day. In addition, except eating, newborn usually sleeps between sixteen to eighteen hours a day; she would love to wear a comfy sleeper while she sleeps.
It is very difficult to predict which size is ok for your newborn. Some babies never fit a newborn size and outgrow 0-3 months size in few weeks. Some large newborns starts with 3-6 months clothes right away. Additionally, your newborn may fit newborn size in Pekkle, she may fit 0-3 in Carter’s, or maybe 3 months size in Baby Gap. It is better to buy all the newborn clothes around two to four weeks before your due day, so you have a chance to return them if they don’t fit your baby.
The best newborn clothing is bodysuits, you will find they are very functional for diaper change while giving your baby extra layer of warm. Prepare about six to ten newborn bodysuits is enough. If you need to take your newborn outside, footed one piece and bodysuit make a great combination for newborn.
Whatever clothes you choose for your newborn, make sure they are comfortable and easy for diaper change.